Happy new year!

Catch a cold...must have been be course of this Grey fog... No packing just the 3 of us trying to come out on the other side.

happy holiday - to be continued!

Happy holiday!

After 4 boxes - we all dressed up for a cosy and delicious get together!

Box number 4!

Thanks Famapa for the right word -
new years resolution!
Check out her stunning blog1
and stunning blog2.

Box number 3 and Lingonberrytoe stands up for the first time with the help of this bananabox filled with books.

Li and Mia have already pronounced their new years promises (is that a Swedish thing - nyårslöfe?). I have to think about mine for a while

Box number 2! How can such a little person as Lingonberrytoe already have so many things?

Nice Tuesday. Drinking morning coffee with Friend, eating pasta for lunch with Love, hanging at the library with Lingonberrytoe and then home packing the first box.

Big julpyssel at my sisters place all day long. So nice. Will show you the stuff I made tomorrow. Now I will have my beautysleep.

Thanks for all your sweet and funny comments about my last post.

When I helped Li to photograph her bestseller - Duckfeets (they are for grownups). Lingonberrytoe said to me: keep them I really like the box. But no no I did not, now they are back at Lieblings.

Me like this blog - How we say hello

Todays drawing exercise! Just six more!

Love this

Walking slowly down Memory Lane.

This is superduper nice.

Soon just a memory - our kitchen!

Download free and cute stickers over at Lotta Bruhn place.

Right answer! Oh maybe it was to easy?
Those who guessed right - congrats - send your address to sara.blohme@gmail.com. I want to treat you with something.

New big bed and some cute cakes from Olle and Ella.

please give me a white Christmas and a Vansbro spark!
poetry for someone from the south of Sweden

Time for a competition:
Guess the song!
Prize: a Christmas card made by me
Hallo old printed fabric what shall I do out off you?

Look! Great blog!

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