It´s sunny outside today.
Must be a good sign.
Hope that 2008 will be a good one
Happy new year to all of us

Happy breakfast!

My sisters daughter: sweet Astrid.

Why is Christmas always better before the holiday?
I love how it lightens up December,
I like to bake, craft, decorate and so on
but I could live without the 24th-25th-27th
Now I´m longing for the sun.
Hope April will be here in a sec!

Thinking of coming back...

cut paste love

Bye bye!
I´m a bit afraid to say it becourse blogging has become a big and happy freezone in my life. Can´t decide if I´m gone close the address or just let it be left here in blogspace.
It´s possible I can´t be without this and you all then I just have to come back.
1000 sillyhappyhugs//Sara!
it has been so much fun to have this blog and getting to know all of you
but I think I really soon will say goodbye
don´t know why but it´s always a good thing to make a happy ending
and hopefully it will make a new room for something else
something I right now don´t know what it is
would love to say it was building a house,
growing a garden but it isn't
maybe drawing and writing more or learning to fly high

...and I continue the fever. Stop by Illustratörcentrum (choose B and then find me Blohmé Sara) and check out some more of my illustration and many many other supertalented people.

Illustration fever!
Looking/finding old stuff, hope to make room for some new ones soon.
Small Swedish lesson:
Hej, hur mår jag= Hi, how do I do!
Hanteras varsamt= Handle with care.

Check out my new ones in the LULA gallery.

I want the same style this autumn like the little man in my drawing. I especially adore his superfab shoes- don´t you?

My boyfriend gave me this lovely Sulu-earrings when I came home from the hairdresser today.

Look Sulu at Lieblings. And it all happened via this blogging-thing. I love that feeling when this big word for a second or two feels real small. And we sold at least tree pair of Sulus adorable design this Saturday:)

Gallerynight in Malmöcity. We had such a lovely evening at Lieblings of course.

Made some cards yesterday: soon at Lieblings.
Liebling: bjuder in till mingel
i nyfixade (nästan klara) butiken
När: lördag 29 september 18-24
Var: Liebling (fd Spira)
Helmfeltsgatan 7, Malmö
Sara och Lena Blohmé visar bilder och affischer.
Nya varor, mer av samma & annat!

Bought this lovely autumnflowers for myself today. I love flowers wrapped up in brown paper. It´s some kind of strong romantic feeling to go home with brownpaperwrapped flowers in my bicycle basket and wind in my hair.

Giant mango, giant flower!

Old picture but I still like it. It was one of the first warm spingdays and we were going for a long walk and then - home to this yummy leftovers. Yesterday (the paper said) was the last warm latesummerday here in the south of Sweden. Now autumn is here for sure. I love all seasons, so happy that I live in a country with all this different moods.

Here is what was inside that gift that I got from my big sis! I love it, she made it.

Here is my contribution to the spoonmania in the bloguniverse!

Trying to take a nice picture of the two of us before going out for a luxurious lunch the other day. Well the food at Atmosfär was way better than this silly pics. I had oxbringa med rotmos och hemgjord senap och till efterrätt stekta äpplen med karamelliserad vaniljkräm, sultanrussin och mandlar. Lucky me!

nöff, nöff said the Swedish pigs. Bigger...just click it!

On my sunday walk. Strange place for a kräftskiva (crayfish party).

I know it`s just advertising but I think it´s sweet anyway,
in other words they (H&M) love to fool me!

When I was a child I used to do chestnut-animals in autumn. I made this one yesterday I think he looks a bit sad.

Home sweet home!

Yesterday I had a long talk over the phone with Elisabeth, she is one of the best, most inspiring and wise persons in the word. I haven't felt this strong in weeks. It´s breathtaking what people can do by just being who the are. Today E´s blog shows how it looks under her worktable so in lack of inspiration I show how it looks under mine...and it´s a mess on the floor to with important papers everywhere, I can´t find a good system for them so they just lay there.

...and a gift from my big sister to me...

Got this lovely bird-necklace from Li a couples of days ago.

Getting prepared for winter by crochet a pair of gloves for myself.

Kone-slippers by me.

Step by step...

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