I want this house: "Venturo" drawn 1971 by Matti Suuronen. It could be mine for 450 000 swedish crowns. (a lot of money) I supersuper love it. Imagine me having my studio in it somewhere down a small and dusty road.

Here she is in her studio, downunder her always so superfine pattern in red and herbs from my balcony.

Her earings are always so adorable. Today you have to stop by her blog, the risk-post is a good remainder of what life´s about. Yesterday my love took me to a great restaurant by the sea and we had such a good time together. Delicious food, fine wine and look at the view!

So happy for my new colleagues on Lula, Sandra and Robert.
Good headhunting Elisabeth!

Today I wish: Dada´s Diamonds ring on my finger, Jespers milkpackage in my fridge and Dada´s Diamonds brooch on my beloveds lounge suit.

Today I like: numberpattern from Fokusfabrik
and coctailglas "Aarne" (Göran Hongell 1948) from Ittala.

A good combination, try it!

Happy midsummer! Photo by the greatest Jenny!

Yesterdays happy preparation!

We had such a great evening at Liebling, wish you all could have joined us....drinking some wine and talk about things that makes us happy! More pictures another day, now I´m almost asleep.

I love this dress! It´s by Liebling, photo by the greatest Jenny! Tomorrow it´s celebrationday at Liebling´s, new sign outside the boutique and Li have printed some of my pictures on T-shirts. I will show you here soon...

Monday in the kitchen!

Yesterday was not so happy... going to Susannes big birthdayparty that I really looked forward to.. .and then the worst headache ever and had to stay at home. This is the card I made for her, now laying here beside me looking disappointed and sad...

Today: some nice books.

I have to take the slideshow away, the sound is so annoying! I`m more of a onlypicturegirl as you all know. Maybe I do a silent one some day...

My favourite artist: Jenny Wilson. If you haven´t heard her you must. And she always have the greatest outfits.

I like photographer Benedikte Ugelands work.

Me and my little brothers, who can´t make normal photosmiles, on our way to our cousins wedding last summer. Look at her adorable weddingbouquet!

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