I’ve been tagged by Smosch:)
Players list 8 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, players then tag 8 people by posting their names and making sure they know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at the tagee’s blog.
1. When I dance in pair I grab my partner like I was the gentlemen, thats becourse when I was young and danced "gammeldans" we were only girls in class so the tall onces (like me) had to "be" gentlemans.
2. I haven't been abroad for over five years now and I don´t know if I ever gone travel abroad again. (Copenhagen doesn't count when living in Malmö) But I do want to go to Helsinki.
3. I love homeevenings more than anything else. Cooking with a glass of wine in my hand, eating something good and then watch a film in our bed with a huge bowl of candy.
4. I´m housesick!
5. I hate to say goodbye. I can´t say goodbye, I have to fool myself to be able to say goodbye.
6. As a child a wanted to be an author, and I still think it would be the best profession for somebody like me, sitting in a small room by myself and think.
7. I always do to much of everything I start to like doing. Now I´m a bit worried I´m gone be obsessed by quilting!
I tag you: Liebling, Lena, Annelie, J, Janne, AshleyRose, Minja, EmmaL