A post-it-cat to Lotte!
I don´t know why but I´m shore she will let me know:)

Yesterday was my big sisters birthday we celebrated it with Ciabata with tuna for me and Pasta with Italian sausages for her at lunch and our needleworkclub in the evening. A very nice day even if my big sister cheated with her embroidery. Watching TopModels more than working on her lingonberry-streak. See more of Lena here! On the pics Lenas superstuff but not the one she was suppose to work on yesterday...

New cardigan from Numph and favorite shoes and socks (I love animalpattern).
One step in my biggest dream direction: make and get a children's book published. This one with numbers. I think you can figure out what
number this is all about!

vov vov sa trumman

Ikea, Alvar Aalto and Sopstationen in collaboration!
We don´t have a good lamp for reading in our living room so
my boyfriend made this one for me...

Do you remember my beans growing in my living room window. Here they are before cooking. And I love that plate of mine.

Making food/pattern.

Friday night - seeing a big fireworks from my sisters balcony. Feeling a bit sick so its not a happyday today, but the fireworks and the company was really nice.

Some books of mine.

Beautiful drawing by Pernilla Andersson.

View. Outside my window - inside my kitchen.

Homemade birthday present for my babybrother (20 years old now)!

This is me - a bit self centered.

More from that exam work folder!

I call this pillows of mine: mina huvudkuddingar.
I made them as a part of my exam work at HDK 2006.
I been tagged by Debi:), I make it short this time

1. I like sandwiches with sliced banana. 2. I´m dreaming about write/draw a book. 3. I don´t like clubbing (but I love to dance). 4. I´m afraid of frogs. 5. I love to pick flowers. 6. I feel like I have a rainbow inside of me. 7. I can´t say goodbye. 8. My youngest brother is 20 and my eldest sister is 52!

now I tag Li again....and anna-lisa

Look what an adorable dress by Mika Piirainen for Marimekko.

Yesterdays trip outside town.
The soft seabreeze, sandwiches, coffee
ice-cream with a taste of Pina Colada!
So happy I have it all, life right now, family, friends
all this love around me
and a bright future to look forward to...

I love late august - fresh air, new shoes, time to move forward.
Ikea - always start things up a little.

Cut, paste! Maybe I make a pattern out of this small leftovers some day.

My sister make the best granola ever and she gives it to me with this funny label,
somebody please translate if for me, my English desert me some times ....
Se more of Lena here!
( Hi Emma better now than never, hope you have a great time in Amsterdam, it sure looks like it!)

Another favorite, this little soft friend from Peoples Tree (great company with fare trade and ecologic products). We named him KorvKlas (SausageKlas) becourse we bought him near a fine sausage shop - Korvhuset - in Malmö, they have 101 different kind of sausages!!! KorvKlas refuse to eat anything else but sausages.

A favorite of mine, bought it in Stockholm a couple of years ago!

Same same but different...

Look what I found on a walk yesterday...good luck for both me and you!

A piece of summer here at last.
Me resting in the sun at my parents place.
This is where I grew up.
Huge post today so I keep it in my mind!
My bigsister made such a fine list, read it here!

Today we went to buy me a new camera but it was sold out everywhere so we ended up looking at floors for the kitchen instead. Don´t know what to go for, classic (pic 1) or fun (pic 2) or in between (pic 3)? Or something else?

This is work by one of my favorite artists/painter, Karin Mamma Andersson. She just ended up a big exhibition at Moderna Museet in Stockholm, I´m sorry I could n´t go but Stockholm is rather far away from Malmö. I think there´s an outer show coming up late this fall, also in Sthm but if I plan for it....

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