I love late august - fresh air, new shoes, time to move forward.
Ikea - always start things up a little.


deborah said...

oh yes, late august for me is the first flicker of spring.

i love that white chair in the background... reminds me to finish painting my dining chair which is half white half brown

Fine Little Day said...

Och vad är det för fin tavla som skymtar i bakrunden?

Kate Neckel said...

i need to do the same thing! thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

What a cute painting in the background. Hooray for Ikea :)

charlotte said...

I agree, this time of year - august/september - always feels far more like new beginnings than spring. It must be because as children, the school year always started then. it is such an exciting time!

Liebling said...

now I really need to go to ikea (true!)
and I miss u, it must be at least half a day since I last saw u

Debi van Zyl said...

nothing like news shoes and late-summer laziness... that's what i love about august, it's too hot to do anything.
on another note, i've been tagged...I really love your blog so now i tag you... if you have time, post 8 random facts and pass on to 8 blogs you like.

Another Shade of Grey said...

I'm digging that painting in the background too. :)

Maria said...

Slutet av augusti är både och, skönt med hög luft (som dock inte kommit ännu) och förväntningar inför något (kan det vara skolstartsförväntan som man minns...?)men också förknippat med lite jobbångest (eftersom jag fortfarande inte har haft ett eget jobb utan bara olika vikariat...)

Caterine said...

oh well, the painting on the back. tha lady with a baby. it is inspired by an old one i thinkand i cannot found the name of the painter or even the title of the paint ing. do you know any of them?

sara said...

the painting is a paraphrased by that painting you mentioned caterine, I can´t remember the title or the painter either, shame on me. I worked with that paraphrased in so many way a couples of years ago. This painting is one of many results.

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