Bye bye!
I´m a bit afraid to say it becourse blogging has become a big and happy freezone in my life. Can´t decide if I´m gone close the address or just let it be left here in blogspace.
It´s possible I can´t be without this and you all then I just have to come back.
1000 sillyhappyhugs//Sara!
it has been so much fun to have this blog and getting to know all of you
but I think I really soon will say goodbye
don´t know why but it´s always a good thing to make a happy ending
and hopefully it will make a new room for something else
something I right now don´t know what it is
would love to say it was building a house,
growing a garden but it isn't
maybe drawing and writing more or learning to fly high

...and I continue the fever. Stop by Illustratörcentrum (choose B and then find me Blohmé Sara) and check out some more of my illustration and many many other supertalented people.

Illustration fever!
Looking/finding old stuff, hope to make room for some new ones soon.
Small Swedish lesson:
Hej, hur mår jag= Hi, how do I do!
Hanteras varsamt= Handle with care.

Check out my new ones in the LULA gallery.

I want the same style this autumn like the little man in my drawing. I especially adore his superfab shoes- don´t you?

My boyfriend gave me this lovely Sulu-earrings when I came home from the hairdresser today.

Look Sulu at Lieblings. And it all happened via this blogging-thing. I love that feeling when this big word for a second or two feels real small. And we sold at least tree pair of Sulus adorable design this Saturday:)

Gallerynight in Malmöcity. We had such a lovely evening at Lieblings of course.

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