here and now

My man was my superhero through the delivery

bigger pic, just click it!

now she´s here
so happy it hurts
not enough words in English
not in Swedish either


Guess what I have been up to today
Yes yes some patchwork again
Got this small piece of art a couple of years ago
I think you know who have printed it
if not check this out!
But I have been outside as well
for over 4 hours
can´t remember when I spent so many hours outside
Chocolate and vanilla ice cream in the sun
among good friends and family
lucky me, a good day again...

I want this wall sticker

Yesterday was a good day.

I want to update my Lula! And I did.

Baby boom - hope I don´t bore you this days.

I want this blind.

Happy birthday to my man!

I want more cookies.

this blog is all about sweet babystuff this days

Slow weekend
(read, eat, wait)

The cutest!

I want this bedlinen.

Small patchwork of my day!
Green peas soup for dinner
wearing lovely sulu-design
trying to sew a raincloud.

I want this carpet.

When organizing there´s always a couple
of things I can`t throw away
but I don´t know where to put them.
Or why I should keep them.

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