Tomorrow I will do at least 50 sit-ups on my living room floor. I promise. Picture proof is coming up!

Check this out!

New week tomorrow! They say it´s gonna be hothot again on Wednesday. I´m happy either way.

I wish you all - my precious blog-friends - a very happy weekend with lots of good food and sunny thoughts.

This morning we read a nice book together, I´m sure the Baby understood every bit of it! First pic her favorite, second my favorite (want a kitchen like that) Afterwards we both took a heavenly nap.


Way back - my sister is reading Kameliadamen for me (I´m the small person on her arm).
Today - My sisters birthday (50) celebrating with good food and company (I have been cooking and drawing).
Always - Life is fantastic! (So many people to love)

The almighty pizzaking!

The weekend continues with some time alone when My Love and Baby is out for a long walk. After 2 hours - I miss them so bad! Trying to work with some drawings and stuff...

Happy midsommar to alla!


Home sweet home!
Spending a lot of time in our small apartment. Spending a lot of time thinking of where/how we should live in the future. I know I love to have a big kitchen and trees outside my window, My man - a small wood and a washing machine, The baby - just wants to be close to us. That´s a start (where in the city), countryside (where in the countryside), suburb (...), apartment, house??? What´s best with your neighborhood?

Playing around with this today
and organizing the attic!

First cup of coffee today since august last year. Good, but not so good at all as I thought it would be.

My birthday (35) passed silent a couple of weeks ago, but I still remember the rhubarb thing I did, with hazelnut crunch and vanilla sauce. The pin is a precious gift from a small talanted student, it says: SARA ÄR TÅPEN, lucky me.

First dresses!
Presents from tree lovely ladies, Li, Elisabeth and Åsa! Such good taste and each choice says something about their personality. Baby love to look and look and look at them! Thinking of future party's I suppose.

Lazy hungry Friday!
Sausages, strawberries and blueberry buns in the sun with family and friends. Then a small walk (with ice cream stop) home for homemade hamburgers and fall down in our bed early early.

Calm Thursday evening
doing the laundry
eating egg sandwiches
drinking rose´s lime

Finally: The Babys name!

In my pantry
In my heart
On my wall

Pageviews from the past week