Trying to show you todays hairstyle. Very satisfied with it.

To hot to write something:)

up late playing around
been a while since
I opened up Illustrator
Have to go to bed

bigger = click the pic

Tagged by Smoch a couple of weeks ago

6 things I´m happy about today

1. Strong Blueberrytea
2. Baby babble
3. Money
4. Ale

5. My fiancé
6. Glowing Sunset

I tag Maria and Veja Cecilia and Li

Sunday sunny sunny.
Long walk including 3 sea-dips, carrotcake and a sneak of this amazing floor. I really hope the people who renovates the place will keep it, otherwise I want it, just wonder where to keep a floor.

It´s hot here in Malmö, maybe a trip to the sea tomorrow.
Printed some t-shirts for the man my heart beats for.

I wan´t this for me and Baby to play with. Guess I have to wait 1 year or 3.

Sunny sunny trip to Friends supersweet kolonistuga!

Look look, wish I lived closer.

On our way out for a cup of tea at my sisters place. On our way back home... some shopping!

3 months ago - time flies

Cover ugly print on sweater.
Long pramwalk with Baby.
Small shopping for tomorrows exiting trip to Friends new house.

so Swedish it hurts
beautiful words by Jenny

Hurry Hurry Help...
Working with a Lula-thing.
What do you think with or without stripes?

check out Sandras and Elisabeths cards

Hurray for countryside-weekends!

Oh my, no winner! To hard!?
Best guess from Fingerspitzengefuhl.
Postcards soon in her mailbox.

Guess the word (in Swedish)!
Winner = 3 postcards made by me.

in the game again, Li!

Yes yes check out this patterns!

If I ruled the world - patterns all over!

Trying to do one simple flower for the vindmölla-thing. Can´t find it, ended up playing around...always so fun to pattern-play. Tomorrow I will continue my search for one delicate and outstanding flower.

Weekend! Again! Can´t believe it, time flies so fast this days.
On the agenda this weekend - mingling, sipping, dipping and continue with the vindmölla-thing.

If you are in Malmö tomorrow please join me for a drink at Liebling

Happy happy book arrived in our mailbox yesterday. Thank you so much Emma Adbåge, we love the book and the beautiful handwritten dedication. And the sticker!

Also check out Lisen Adbåge.

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