They say - sun this weekend. Hope so, my love is having a vacation.

Trying to take a nice photo of Siri in her new swing.

1 2 3 - Sulu Li Camilla

Lycky us surrounded by lovely things made by hard working ladys.

Feeling a bit better now, but still something black inside. Thanks for your sweet words, something better... sooner or later. Meanwhile we can cuddle in our tiny apartment.

Proud to sell my prints here in Stockholm.

This weekend we are silly-sad, we found an apartment we wanted but we lost the bidding. Why oh why does money matter.

Click the image if you want to see it bigger.

First she was my boss, now shes one of my closes friends. Known her for 15 years at least. Have to show you this self portrait by Jenny. She is gorgeous, beautiful, talented, intelligent, wise and funny. She loves cake, cats, roses, light and her children. When getting old, I hope we will study the art of fountains all over Sweden together. This photo gives me goosebumps, magnificent, just look at her hair.

Life is fantastic!

Plastic bags I like.

A perfect Saturday, walking& talking&fiking (carrot cake and tea).

Gift wrapt up in paper from a gossip-magazine, (Angelina&Brads newborn twinbaby and boy), besides a photo of my brother with my Baby.

Li is back from vacation.

Baby is sleeping, soft rain outside and we are sipping Yoggi-tea.

Organizing around in my computer, found this photo of some of my favorite girls. Time flies. Minna the smallest one will turn into a 8 years old darling this Tuesday. And I have a girl of my own.

Lula update!

Ming (girl in purple) now.

Happy weekend!

Here and there in the apartment.

Found this café the other day, fortunately it´s closed for good. Me and Baby prefers sunbeams behind leaves.

until death tear us apart (nått sånt här kristina?)
bigger = click it

Sweet sweet Mia if you understand Swedish

My clogs from Liebling

This gives me goosebumps!

This could be the Happiest Weekend Ever!

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