Hello friends!
Walking to the bus. Late and light!

silly happy people

Friends place. Sun. Good food. Heaven for Lingonberry (lots of toys and lots of children). A perfect homemade Midsommarstång. I will show you some more pics from our Little frog dance later. Happy midsummerweekend!

nothing much to say. i´m tired. in my soul. but it´s summer and thats oh so nice.
Small happiness for small people...

No fever today. But still home.

Hello Monday with fever.

The spot cover project continues.

How to cover up one spot on her shirt or two or seventyfive...

Nothing much to say. I post you this happy shoes from Liebling!

Check this out:)!
while I was home cleaning...

Weekend + playground

Happy weekend!

Hi! I´m so tired. But so happy that I love my work. It gives me energy. Now some more coffee, lipgloss on and then up on my bike and away.

Baby Bibi and Viras curly hair.

Postcards by Fine!

Ready steady picnic

summer all weekend long and now rain.
but we had such a lovely weekend so let it rain today

Look. So very very superfine. The print, the colors. :) Gift from MUS. We totally love it.

summer NOW

this weekend J was in Vienna. I introduced a new thing for her, watching Pippi Långstrump in the kitchen while I was cooking!

thinking of red shoes. red shoes is happiness. feeling a bit lost. Longing for our appartment to be finished. Don´t reconize this slowness in myself and my life. It´s not me. I used to be a person that Get Things Done!

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