A kitchenspider of our own...outside the window and inside... my new dress.

the 3 of us.

Fall barbecues - wonderful - you have to do it!

Monday sweets!

Idag är det val. Jag har städat toaletten, dammsugit soffan, bytt lakan och tvättat håret och ska snart ge mig iväg och rösta:)

Sweet weekend folks!
lite sent påtänkt, blir svårt att klämma 15 liter fil ikväll men tänk att vinna ett torp, Konsum öppet en timme till...

Weekend! Happy happy joy and some good sleep for me I hope.

I like this I do. I like this I do.
Lost this great fleece jacket last friday.

I've already started to think about spring - collect seed capsules and sprinkle them out a bit here and there

AfterWork at Ikea today. Meatballs and Coke. No shopping at all.

Everlasting love?

I´m tired and how are you?

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