She is in love with her Gonki as she calls him - it means Monki. Don´t know why I started to call him something in English, he actually is from Germany.



emma said...

gonki är ju helsnyggt. gonki apanson. den tyske gonki. :D

anna said...

Be glad you used the english word, other wise it would be 'Gaffe', which would be a lot harder to pronounce ;)

Vanilla Press said...

Ah, sweet pics!Love it when a child has something they are close to,my daughter has a stuffed Rabbit named "Toffee" & My son has a stuffed Sheep called "Sheepie"!!

ines robusto said...

hello happygirl, where did you get the pillow tissue in the photo? it's lovely. my name is ines, i'm portuguese and have a little daughter - ema.

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